Holy Myrrhbearers Antiochian Orthodox Church


Why Fast?

Fr. Dimitri Cozby – St. Anthony the Great Mission
(San Antonio, TX)

Fasting is probably one of the most frequently ignored practices of the Orthodox Church, at least in this country. There are more differences in observance between families on this point than on any other. Some families never fast; others follow faithfully the strictest rule. This month, as we enter the Great Lent, we should review a few of the reasons why we should fast… READ MORE…    

The Holy Cross in Our Lives

Metropolitan JOSEPH

Many heretics of our time don’t believe in the cross, even if they may call themselves Christians. Some pop stars and actors wear the cross, but by the witness of their lives we can assume that they don’t put much value in the cross except as an empty symbol. There is nothing new under the sun and there have always been accusation against our Church. In the second century, Christians were accused of practicing incest, of being cannibals, of being ignorant and of being bad citizens. The most dangerous accusation… READ MORE…

The Holy Hierarch Nicholas
Ginny Nieuwsma – Antiochian.org staff member

St. Nicholas of Myra, along with St. Patrick of Ireland, has the rare distinction of being one of the only saints in our Orthodox Church to be recognized and honored in the West. Although he was once portrayed in popular culture as the venerable staff bearing Father Christmas, whose kindly visage bore a resemblance to the bishop of old, today his true image has all but been obliterated… READ MORE…


 How and Why We Fast

Fr. Steven Ritter – St. James Orthodox Mission 

(Lawrenceville, GA)

Meatfare Sunday marks the last time we as Orthodox Christians eat meat products, and the week following we dismiss dairy as well. Why is this? There are many and learned treatises on this topic far superior to what I will say here, but perhaps we can put some things into perspective.              READ MORE…


The Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom


If any man be devout and love God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast.
If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord.
If any have labored long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. READ MORE…


The Presentation of Christ/St. Simeon

Fr. Michael J. Buben – from The Word, March 1960

According to the witness of Holy Scripture, the old Simeon was a
man “just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel; and the
Holy Ghost was upon him.” (Luke 2, 25). From God, Simeon had been
foretold about the coming of the True Messiah. Ancient historians teach
us the following about Saint Simeon. READ MORE…